Letting Engineers do the Engineering


COMET - Generator Compliance Monitoring

COMET is a customisable, online, renewable energy project monitoring tool for assessing GPS compliance and operational performance of projects in ‘near real-time’

ATLAS - DMAT assessment engine

ATLAS is a customisable, online, pre-screening tool for networks to help assess renewable project connection submissions. ATLAS gives confidence to network engineers when assessing submissions.

About Us

VeriConneX is building tools and technologies to simplify and automate key activities required to develop, connect and operate renewable energy projects. We believe that through the adoption of innovative, efficient, approaches we can reduce the cost of establishing and operating renewable energy projects, while simultaneously achieving more robust and accurate engineering outcomes.

Building technologies that let Engineers focus on the Engineering

Based in Melbourne Australia, VeriConneX is energy tech company made up of highly experienced Power Systems and Software Engineers. By bringing these two disciplines together we are producing solutions to simplify the analysis process for engineers, to ensure compliance and enable a safe, secure and reliable connection to the grid for both networks and proponents.


Aditya Upadhye


Hitesh Bavarva


Jerome Paul

Principal Developer

Contact Us

email contact@vericonnex.com or call 1300 521 143